Friday, March 9, 2007


I have been sick since Monday with strep throat. This is the worst case I've ever had, though. On Monday, I recorded my temperature at 103.8 degrees. My tonsils are swollen. My throat is flaming red. I can't swallow without nearly crying. My neck can't be touched and it can barely hold my head up. I've had the worst pressure headache I've ever had. Monday the joints in my back ached so much it made it impossible to stand or sit in a straight position. By Tuesday, every swallow made my stomach feel more sick, and that feeling continues today. Every night, I wake up every hour, on the hour. So you can see, my life hasn't been a picnic lately.

Today, my boyfriend is leaving for three weeks. He's going on one last road trip with one of his best friends whom he is also moving to Washington State. They are going skiing in Vail, camping in Utah, and lots of things I can't remember. They might even be staying with my Roommate's family in Hood River, Oregon, which I am thrilled about! He came to visit me twice last week even though I was on the verge of death and he still likes me even though I looked, smelled, and sounded horrible. He is so wonderful. He took care of me!

Well this sickness forced me to miss all of my classes this week. I am pretty much done anyway. I don't think I have enough energy to catch up in my classes. No mental fortitude. I'm going to start looking for jobs as soon as I get better and don't sound like a little fat kid anymore haha. I am back to the drawing board, pretty much, and it's going to take the Lord to open up the doors for me.

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