Thursday, March 6, 2008


Figure it's time for an update from me. From making my first delicious, volcanic Cupcake Nightmares to discovering that premarital counseling doesn't involve crying accusations, my life has been unpredictable, fast-paced and absolutely WONDERFUL!

JT has improved significantly. He slept through the night for the first time since his surgery this past Sunday night. His color has returned, he’s a regular speed demon on his crutches and he’s his ornery self again – oh wait, no surgery or severe pain could ever take that away from him :)

Wedding planning is going well. No turning back now. I bought my veil yesterday from this woman who is the perfect picture of what an African-American matriarch should be. She runs this shop called The Clothes Horse (very Sweet Valley, I know, right?) but I had never heard of it as a bridal shop. She has all kinds of dresses and accessories and MAKES veils. Plus she can alter my dress, which is a huge lifesaver! She pretty much can do anything and lets you know, too.

I have had the strangest dreams lately. The other night, in a half-sleep phase, I obsessed for hours about registering for a slow-cooker cookbook. We don’t even have a slow cooker yet! But if we’re both going to be working, I have heard those things are lifesavers! (That’s the second time I’ve used that word in this post; voila – a title!) In another dream, my wedding day came and I had to get married just as I am. For some reason, I focused on how much I needed a tan and we didn’t have any plates or silverware to offer our guests either. Also, I was sick as a dog and my wedding came and went and I couldn’t remember it for the life of me. In fact, the next morning, I woke up in my bed at my parents’ house, where bees were stinging me (?), and JT had left for Costa Rica without me.

We both feel that God has huge things for us as a couple, in our relationship, our future, our careers, and especially our ministry. We are praying and exploring right now, and we both have a feeling that something’s coming soon. Please keep us in your prayers! Oh, and our website is up, so if you want the address and are ready to propel us out of anonymity, check my Facebook or leave me a comment!

At work, we routinely call bookstores to schedule signing and discussion events for our authors. Naturally, I spend a lot of time on the Borders website, checking to make sure our books are listed properly and finding all of the stores within a 50-mile radius of an author’s hometown. I’m going to add a new feature to my blog: Hump Day Shortlists. They are based on the bottom left corner of the Borders website, where they feature celebrities’ top five book, music and movie choices. Now I’m no Radiohead or Stephen King, but this is a short and interesting way to keep me accountable to blogging, and I’m going to take it, starting this week in a new post.

JT's poor ankle.


ACE said...

it looks SO GOOD!!! im SO glad you're feeling better JT!! love you guys! talk to you soon!

Lindsey said...

shout out for premarital counseling!

I am glad we have gotten to talk like every day this week! love that!

see you sooooooooon!