Saturday, February 9, 2008

generic update 398493

After that downer of a post, I am glad to report that things are looking up. I'm trying to relax and keep the panic attacks at really, it's not that bad.

Action Step #1: I am making a rule that no computer will be allowed to touch the bed except for extreme special occasions, such as writing in bed all day. All internet searching and posting will have to be conducted from the "comforts" of my desk chair.

Action Step #2: Six (6) loads of laundry will be washed and dried today. Eight (8) bags of extra clothes will be vacated from my bedroom and relocated to JT's garage. At least eight (8) bags of additional garage sale material will be selected and removed in two weekends.

Not next weekend because JT's fourth ankle surgery is Thursday. You may or may not remember that Valentine's Day is the same day. For a present, I got him this game so he can have something to keep him occupied while he's laid up. You newbies don't know this, but this past summer, JT broke his other ankle and found some relief for his restlessness with the Wii.

Please, please pray for the best outcome in his surgery. Worst case scenario: he'll be in a cast until the week of our wedding. Best case scenario: boot for four to six weeks, physical therapy before the wedding. He will be strong and well within no time, but it will be nice if he has the chance to do so before our wedding, but it will be the best day no matter what!

My dress came in Friday! It fits like a glove, but I am going to work to lose a few more inches this month so I can get it fitted in time for the wedding! My mom has joined my gym, so we went a few times together last week and it was great. I'm going to try to do weights and running three times a week and just running twice a week before the wedding. High protein breakfasts and trim lunches and dinners will help me. My fridge is already stocked with pink lady apples, hummus, whole wheat waffles, and Lean Cuisine dinners.

I'm going to try to be better about posting the fun and exciting things that are happening, but half the time I wonder if people really want to hear about meetings with marriage counselors and finding out how true it is when people say you don't only marry someone, you marry their family, too!


ACE said...

keep the postings coming!! im listening! love you!

Lindsey said...

love you! and..I know how true it is that you are marrying his family! ha! keep both me and candace posted! we love you dearly!! and I get to see you this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK Chick said...

You will look great. I like your action list, very cute.

I love Hummus.