Thursday, January 25, 2007

All Smiles!

...Even though I accidentally slept through chemistry. I couldn't help it! I stayed up too late reading anatomy. That's my only flaw. Like New Friend told me today, "Jesus knew I needed sleep more." It was a very productive day because I got some sleep, most of anatomy read, and a lot of my take-home test finished for medical terminology class.

Lab partner and I get along very well! We've already gotten through the awkward hoops and so far, where he is experiment-savvy, I am precise and analytical in the interpretation of the data. We SO need each other. He walked me to my car today because it was dark, and I thought that was super sweet of him. I can't help it, but everytime he opens his mouth, he reminds me of Dallas Mavericks point guard, Jason Terry.

Tomorrow I don't have class until 12:30!! Granted, BodyDoc has promised she'll keep us the full three hours every time and sometimes go over, but I'm undeterred. I like her, even though she made us watch the corniest movie I have ever seen (Buttercream Gang, notwithstanding). "The Living Cell" goes down as the most ridiculous educational film I've ever witnessed, and that's including La Catrina of the Pasos a Pasos Spanish curricula fame.



Lindsey said...

"new friend" what? whats that all about? some great sister you are!

Anonymous said...

BUTTERCREAM GANG!!!! I REMEMBER!!!! lol, aaaaaamAZing!! love you!!! have an AMAZING weekend!!